Brahma Previsões Cremosas

Brahma Duplo Malte was lauched during 2020 and it's considered a big success. By the end of the year our challenge was to reinforce it's creaminess. To do so we invited a team of fortune tellers to develop a new technique: the creamy predictions. The hability to predict the future by analazing the creaminess of a beer glass. Not every beer, Brahma Duplo Malte. In such a complicated year, the campaign invited people to look forward, and to their glasses, and hope for a creamier year. The results? 39MM impressions and tranding topics during the last week of 2020. 


Agency: Soko & Mutato

Client: Ambev Brahma

CD: Marcelo Diniz e Rodrigo Porto 

Visual: Diogo Ottoni 

Copy: Romulo Carneiro e Thiago Costalonga